Release Date: 17 September 2004
- For Windows NT/2000, Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX, version 3.0/3.5.
- Texpress 8.0.028 or later
- TexAPI 3.1.007 or later
- Support for a number of ISO 8859 based character sets has been added to Texpress 8.0.028. The following character sets are now supported:
- ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1 or Western European) supports most western European languages.
- ISO 8859-5 (Cyrillic) supports Slavic languages that use a Cyrillic alphabet, including Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian.
- ISO 8859-6 (Arabic) supports the most common Arabic glyphs, although not nearly all of them.
- ISO 8859-7 (Greek) supports the modern Greek language (monotonic orthography).
- ISO 8859-8 (Hebrew) supports the modern Hebrew alphabet as used in Israel.
- ISO 8859-9 (Latin-5 or Turkish) largely the same as ISO 8859-1, replacing the rarely used Icelandic letters with Turkish ones. It is also used for Kurdish.
- ISO 8859-11 (Thai) supports most glyphs needed for the Thai language.
- A new Admin task, listchars prints out a list of all the characters available in the current character set along with the keyboard shortcuts (ALT + 0 format) required to enter the character.
- A feature that automatically refreshes records in other modules when a record is saved has been added. The facility ensures that you are always viewing the latest version of a record within your matching sets. The feature is controlled via options:
The Refresh changed records option enables/disables the feature. If enabled, the Only refresh if less than value determines the largest number of matching records to which a refresh will be applied. - A facility has been added to EMuWeb to allow web based queries to be timed out. It is also possible to restrict the number of records retrieved through a web based query. Texpress 8.0.028 and TexAPI 3.0.007 or later are required to provide this functionality.
- The User Order Lookup List facility has been extended to allow the order of the list to be defined by either numeric or alphabetic keys.
- When saving Insert Defaults, the system administrations fields Inserted By, Date Inserted, Time Inserted, Modified By, Date Modified and Time Modified are not saved as part of the default values.
- Lookup lists can now be associated with double nested grids.
- The Generate, Update, Launch, Save and Print menu options, found under the Multimedia menu in the Multimedia module are now available in Detail mode for all tabs, rather than just when the Multimedia tab is displayed.
- The Generate Resolution dialog box now remembers the last settings used between invocations.
Issues Resolved
- The syncserver has been upgraded to provide support for double nested grids. It is now possible to have data synchronised automatically for double nested grids.
- The length of the Condition Details field (Condition tab in the catalogue) has been increased to allow for long descriptions.
- When changing values in a linkgrid under some circumstances the standard Windows Cut, Copy, Clear and Paste options are enabled, when they should not be available. The options are now disabled when not available.
- When deleting a record on some clients an error indicating a non-existent column has been found may be displayed. Non-existent columns are no longer checked for referential integrity when deleting a record.
- When using the Find a Prompt command it is possible to select a prompt for a radio button that is not enabled. You can no longer select prompts for radio buttons that are not selected.
- When changing the type of a report (eg Crystal Report to Export ODBC) the new type may not be correctly associated with the report. The correct type is now saved.
- When using the Windows Fax and Image Previewer to show images the images may not be displayed. EMu has been adjusted to now function correctly with the Fax and Image Previewer.
- The mini-mapper location fields in the Locations module may not be updated correctly for holder type locations. The fields are now updated correctly.
- When using the drag and drop facility to re-order matching records in List mode, an error indicating an incorrect selection has been made may be displayed after performing an operation using the selected records. The incorrect selection message no longer appears.
- The number of multimedia resources that can be associated with any given record has been increased from nineteen to one hundred and fifty.
- When creating a report for the Multimedia module you could not select the IRN. The IRN can now be selected for reports.
- The EMuWeb log files used to audit queries, may become corrupted if too many concurrent searches are performed. The log file is now updated correctly, even under heavy loads.
- The description fields in the audit tables (Condition, Internal and Valuation modules) may be truncated for long descriptions (over 8000 characters). The auditing facility has been updated to provide support for large description fields without truncation.
- On Interix based systems the emuregload command may not correctly load all registry entries. In particular, user descriptions that contain a colon (:) may cause errors. All registry entries are now loaded correctly.
- When using the spell checking facility some corrections may not be saved when the record is updated. All corrections are now properly saved.
- An exception may occur if you retrieve a group of records in List mode, where multimedia is displayed, and the retrieved records are not merged. The exception no longer occurs.
- If an = character is used in a resource title (eg. sort title, report title, etc) the resource title is not stored correctly. An = character can no longer be used in a resource title.
- If EMuWeb accesses the Lookup List module, the nightly lookup list rebuild process, emulutsrebuild, will stop web services while the lists are rebuilt. When the process is complete the web services were not restarted. The services are now recommenced correctly.
- If a RichEdit control has an associated read-only lookup list, and an invalid entry is entered a message is displayed indicating that the value is invalid. If you then save the record the entry is returned to its original value before saving. The new entry will now remain displayed and the record cannot be saved until a valid entry is selected.
- Under some circumstances a display tab may be shown without any controls displayed. The controls are now displayed correctly.
- In some of the field list property dialogs (eg. sort, reports, etc) if the first field name is too long the '+' button used to expand attachments is scrolled out of view. The '+' button is now always displayed.
- If a double nested grid is displayed on a tab and also shown via field shortcuts, modifying values may result in them appearing in the wrong data row. The data is now displayed in the correct row.
- The ability to manipulate the rows in a double nested grid (Move/Delete/Cut/Copy/Paste) may be disabled where the grid contains data fetched from another table. The data can now be manipulated as required.
- After a new installation of KE EMu, if the spell check command is invoked before a report is generated an error indicating the local dictionary could not be found is displayed. The error no longer occurs.
- If a number of multimedia records are being deleted via the Delete->Selected... command, some of the files may not be removed form the server correctly. All files are now removed correctly.
- If a field is designated as mandatory in the registry, but a message has not been defined, then an empty message is displayed. A meaningful message is now shown.
- If a registry entry has been added to automatically generate a series of resolutions when images are attached, which allows scaling, but not enlarging, then under some circumstances (where only one dimension is shorter than the required resolution) the image may not be generated.
Upgrade Notes
The upgrade from EMu Version 3.0.05 to EMu 3.0.06 involves a number of steps.
Please follow the instructions below carefully.
You cannot skip any steps under any circumstances.
Before proceeding with the update please ensure that a complete backup of the KE EMu server exists and is restorable.
- Install Texpress 8.0.028 or greater
- Install TexAPI 3.1.007 or greater.
- Login as emu.
- The following steps need to be repeated for each client installed on the KE EMu server.
Please ensure no-one is using the system while the upgrade is underway. - Enter client client
- Enter upgrade-3-0-06
- Go back to instruction 3 to commence upgrading the next client, until all clients are complete.
- EMu Version 3.0 Release 6 is now ready for use.