Release Date: 22 September 2021


This version of Sapphire is dependent on a minimum version of EMu being installed. When upgrading to this version of Sapphire, EMu version 6.5-210922 or later must be installed. Failing to have the minimum EMu version installed will result in some Sapphire functions not operating correctly.


  • EMu 6.5-2109202 or later
  • Texpress 9.0.001 or later
  • TexAPI 6.0.012 or later
  • Perl 5.8.8 or later (excluding 5.10.0)

Axiell EMu Ideas Portal

The portal allows you to submit to and view a collective pool of ideas for future Sapphire development, vote for those ideas, or ask us development questions. The portal is online at

New Features

Ability to stipulate barcode field

The supplied Sapphire scripts which can be used with a form use hard coded column names to match records. As the hard coded column names may not suit all institutions, a new Registry entry has been added to allow institutions to configure their own preferred column names. This entry has the following format:

Group|Default|Table|table|Barcode Column|script|column name

where table specifies the module to apply the setting for, script is the name of the script included on the form and column name is the name of the column to use for matching.

The following entry specifies that when running the sightbarcode script from a form, the input locationvalue should use the LocBarcode field to find the matching location:

Group|Default|Table|elocations|Barcode Column|sightobject|LocBarcode


  • A new timeout setting is available for attachment searching. This setting allows for a maximum search time to be specified for matching an attachment record. With average typing speed a setting of one second is deemed a reasonable limit and so this is set as the default:

  • Previously it was not possible to distinguish records created / updated through the use of Sapphire forms. All Sapphire form changes now have sapphire recorded in the Info field of the corresponding audit record. 

  • Some attachment queries were extremely slow to match records where the typed letters exactly matched a term on the record. These terms now match records quickly.  

Issues Resolved

  • When adding an image to a form for the Multimedia module, two multimedia records were inserted, one with the multimedia information and one with the image. The information and image are now correctly stored in a single record. 

  • When a date field was near an image field it was possible for part of the date picker to be hidden. The date picker now displays correctly allowing all values to be selected.

  • It was possible to create two forms with the same name resulting in one seeming to disappear. Forms can no longer have the same name. 

  • On occasion a module cannot be edited error was displayed when trying to add a group. This error no longer display and the group is added correctly.

  • It was possible for a field which was hidden on a form to appear if the associated column permissions in EMu were changed so that the column became read-only. The field now correctly remains hidden.

  • It was possible for a field to appear as read-only on a form used for inserting records even if the user had insert permission. The field is now displayed correctly as editable. 

  • On occasion a sort error could be displayed when a search had no defined sort columns. An error is no longer shown and the search results are now correctly displayed.

  • With a small number of EMu server version an error could be shown when attempting to resave a record. This error is no longer shown with the latest EMu server version and the record correctly saves.

Upgrade Notes

See Upgrade 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 for details.