Record Templates


EMu has provided a Ditto facility for a long time. The Ditto mechanism allows users to extract information from an existing record and copy it into one being inserted. The data extraction can occur at the field, tab or whole record level. While this facility is useful for adding similar records, it does have some short comings:

EMu also provides a Default Values facility that allows a collection of fields to be initialised with values when commencing a new record. Users can define a number of Default Values templates and select one to be used when the next insertion is initiated. While Default Values can be defined for any field, it is not possible to extract data from existing records.

KE EMu 4.0.01 sees the introduction of the Record Template facility. This combines the functionality of the Ditto and Default Values facilities. Key functionality includes:

Some useful applications of the Record Template facility include:

In the next section we will look at how to use the new facility, followed by how to set up your own templates.

How to create records using Record Templates

The Record Template facility can be used to create a batch of records based on an existing record.

  1. As the purpose of the Record Template facility is to create a series of records based on an existing record, the first step is to retrieve one or more records. Any means may be used to retrieve the record to be used as the source record (the record from which values are to be extracted). Once a matching set of records is retrieved, make the source record the current record. The current record is identified differently depending on the display mode:

    List Mode

    The current record is enclosed in a dotted rectangle. In this example, record number 203 is the current record:

    List Mode Current Record

    Contact Sheet Mode

    A dotted rectangle appears around the image and label of the current record. Image number 203 is the current record:

    Contact Sheet Mode Current Record

    Page View Mode

    The current record is the displayed record:

    Page View Current Record

    Detail Mode

    The record displayed is the current record:

    Detail Mode Current Record


  2. Select Tools>Templates in the Menu bar


    Use the keyboard shortcut, ALT+T+M.

    The Record Templates box displays with a list of pre-defined entries:

    Record Template Selection

  3. Select a Record Template from the list and select OK OK Button.

    The Record Template Wizard displays:

    Record Template Wizard

    Specify the following:

  4. Select Next Next Button to continue.

    The Input Values screen is displayed:

    Record Template Input Wizard

    The Input Values screen allows entered data to be inserted into the records created. The exact layout of the screen will vary depending on what information the template creator wants to gather. The screen has four areas:

  5. Select Next Next Button to continue.

    A number of Input Value screens may be displayed depending on how many input values are required for the created records. Input values may also be used to request the starting value for fields that contain incrementing data. For example, a Registration Number may consist of the current year followed by a number within the year (e.g. 2008.23, 2006.154, etc.). An input value may ask for the year on one screen and the starting number within the year on the next screen. When the records are created, numbers will be allocated sequentially from the starting number for the supplied year. Using this mechanism it is easy to pre-allocate a batch of Registration Numbers to a set of records.

  6. Select Next Next Button to move through all the Input Value screens.

    The Settings screen is displayed:

    Record Templates Settings Screen

    A summary consisting of the number of records to be created, the starting IRN and any input values is displayed for confirmation before the records are created.

  7. Select Next Next Button to continue.

    The Creating screen is displayed:

    Record Template Creating Screen

    The records are now created. A gauge provides a visual indicator of creation progress. The number of records created and the number of errors encountered are also displayed.

    If an error occurs, the creation process is halted and a message displayed:

    Record Template Error Message

    Select Abort Abort Button if the creation process is to end without further records being created


    Select Ignore Ignore Button to move on to the creation of the next record.

  8. Select Finish Finish Button once the records are created.

    The Completed screen is displayed:

    Record Template Completed Screen

    Specify the following:

  9. Select Close Record Template Creation Screen to finish the creation process. Once the button is selected the report is displayed if required:
    Template record creation started 25 Jun 2008 13:27:26
    Number of records to create: 5
    Starting IRN: Next available IRN
    Input field "Series Title: (Title Details)"
        Value: The Badenov Series
    Input field "Notes"
        Value: 1
        Increment By: 1
    Record 1, created (irn: 35)
    Record 2, created (irn: 36)
    Record 3, created (irn: 37)
    Record 4, created (irn: 38)
    Record 5, created (irn: 39)
    Number of errors: 0
    Number of records created: 5
    Template record creation finished 25 Jun 2008 13:27:30

    The entry for each record created may vary as the template creator may include data from the created records (e.g. Registration Number).

    The records created are added to the records currently displayed . They are placed immediately after the current record, so that moving forward a record will display the first of the new records.

How to create a Record Template

The creation of a Record Template requires producing an XML description that details:

To be able to create a Record Template in a module a user must have (or be a member of a group that has) the daTemplates permission set for the table.

  1. Search for or otherwise list a group of records.
  2. Select Tools>Templates in the Menu bar


    Use the keyboard shortcut, ALT+T+M.

    The Record Templates box displays with a list of pre-defined entries:

    Record Template Selection

  3. Select New New Button.

    The Record Template Properties box displays:

    New Record Template Screen

  4. Enter a descriptive name for the Record Template in the top text field.
  5. In the Record Template XML area enter the XML description for the Record Template.
    The XML format is covered in detail in the next section.
  6. If required, select the Security tab to give other users permission to use this Record Template:

    Record Template Security Tab

    1. Select users/groups from the Names list who are to have access to this Record Template.
    2. Select Add Add Button.

      Continue to select all users/groups who are to have access to this record template.

  7. Select OK OK Button.

    Your new Record Template is added to the Record Template list.

  8. Select Close Close Button to return to your matching records


    Select OK OK Button to use the new Record Template.

How to define a Record Template

The description of a Record Template is an XML document. The complete structure is:

<template maxrecord="number" setIRN="yes|no">
        <atom name="colname">  <!-- atomic value - repeatable -->
            <source name="colname" rows="rowlist" nestedrows="rowlist"/>
            <input type="text|integer|float" cols="number" rows="number" increment="number" mandatory="yes|no">
                    <source name="colname" rows="rowlist" nestedrows="rowlist"/>
                    <source name="colname" rows="rowlist" nestedrows="rowlist"/>
                    <source name="colname" rows="rowlist" nestedrows="rowlist"/>
        <table name="colname">  <!-- nested or double nested table - repeatable -->
            <tuple>  <!-- nested table - repeatable -->
                    <!-- as for atom above -->
            <tuple>  <!-- double nested table - repeatable -->
                    <source name="colname" rows="rowlist" nestedrows="rowlist"/>
                    <tuple>  <!-- nested table - repeated -->
                            <!-- as for atom above -->
            <source name="colname" rows="rowlist" nestedrows="rowlist"/>
        <column name="colname"/>

While the XML may look complex, the main part is the specification of the fields that require values to be set. The format of the XML for this part is exactly the same as that generated by the EMu XML Export facility, which is the same as that used by the EMu XML Import tool. Using this same structure means a skeletal XML record can be generated by building a report with the required fields and producing an XML Export file. Once you have the skeletal XML it can be expanded to include any additional options required.

A quick summary of the XML structure used by the three kinds of fields in EMu may make things clearer. The three field kinds are:

Atomic Fields

An atomic field contains a single value. It is represented by a single data entry area in the EMu client. The XML snippit used to represent an atomic value is:

    <atom name="colname">value</atom>

where colname is the name of the field and value is the contents of the field.

Nested Table Fields

A nested table field contains a list of values. A grid is used to display the list in the EMu client. The XML format for a nested table is:

<table name="colname">
        <atom>value 1</atom>
        <atom>value 2</atom>

where colname is the name of the field and value 1, value 2 etc. are the values in the list. There is no limit to the number of <tuple> entries in a nested table.

Double Nested Table Fields

A double nested table field consists of a list where each entry is itself a list. The EMu client uses the nested form construct (where a gird at the bottom of the tab controls what data is shown) where a grid is displayed in the top part of the tab. The XML required for a double nested table is:

<table name="colname">
                <atom>value 1-1</atom>
                <atom>value 1-2</atom>
                <atom>value 2-1</atom>

where colname is the name of the field and value 1-1, value 1-2 etc. are the list of values in the first list, value 2-1, value 2-2 etc. are the list of values in the second list and so on. There is no limit to the number of values in any of the lists.

An example record

When specifying a record the three field types are enclosed within <tuple></tuple> tags. Let's consider an example where we are to encode the data in the following record:

Example Party Record

The XML below represents the data entered by a user and does not include computed values (found in the Derived Names group box when Automatic is set to Yes):

    <atom name="NamPartyType">Person</atom>
    <atom name="NamTitle">Dr</atom>
    <atom name="NamFirst">Charles</atom>
    <atom name="NamMiddle">Jim</atom>
    <atom name="NamLast">MARSHALL</atom>
    <table name="NamOtherNames_tab">
    <atom name="NamSex">Male</atom>
    <atom name="NamAutomatic">Yes</atom>

Fields that do not contain a value are not specified. You may include empty values if you want to remove any data already in the field (e.g. a default value added when an insertion is commenced). An empty value consists of a tag of the form:

<atom name="colname"/>

We will now examine each of the tags that may be used to specify a Record Template in detail:

template tag

The <template> tag encloses the Record Template XML description. It must be the first tag and the corresponding closing tag </template> must be the last tag. Attributes associated with the tag represent options available when the template is used.


Specifies the maximum number of records that may be generated using this template. If a number is given, a hint is displayed next to the Number of records to create input box. If the attribute is not specified, no limit exists on the number of records that can be created.
Indicates whether a starting IRN may be entered when the Record Template is used. If a value of no is supplied, the Starting IRN prompt and input box are removed from the Record Template Records screen. The default value is yes.



Contained within


source tag

The <source> tag extracts information from the source record (the current record). The tag is replaced with the value(s) extracted. Data can be extracted from any field kind (atomic, nested table and double nested table) into any field kind. Where a mismatch between the field kinds occurs the data is either converted to a newline separated value (when going from a table to an atomic field) or wrapped in table XML (when going from an atomic value to a table). Using attributes it is possible to extract parts of tables or double nested tables.


Specifies the name of the column from which the value is to be extracted. The name attribute is mandatory.
Contains a list of numbers indicating which rows should be extracted from a nested table. The list is a comma separated set of numbers or ranges. An example list setting is rows="1,3-5,7-" which indicates that rows one, three to five and seven onward are to be extracted. If this attribute is not specified, all rows are extracted.
Contains a list of rows indicating which of the outer rows in a double nested table are to be extracted. The format of the row list is the same as for the rows attribute. The rows attribute is used to specify the inner row numbers to be extracted. The default is to extract all nested rows.



Contained within


input tag

The <input> tag indicates that the user should be asked to enter a value when the Record Template is used. The tag is replaced with the value entered. Each <input> tag found in the Record Template description produces an Input Values screen when the template is used.


Defines the type of data the user may enter. The available types are: When the user moves out of the input box a check is made to ensure a legal value has been input. The default type is text.
Indicates the width in characters of the input box displayed on the Input Values screen when the template is used. The number does not limit the length of the value that may be entered. The default is 8.
Specifies the number of rows the input box should display on the Input Values screen when the template is used. Users may enter more lines than the number specified. The default is 1.
Indicates that the value entered should be incremented by the increment amount after each record is created. For example, setting increment="1" would increase the value entered by the user by one for every record created.
Determines whether an input value must be specified. A value of no indicates an empty value is acceptable, while yes ensures that a value is entered. The default value is yes.



Contained within


prompt tag

The <prompt> tag appears within an input tag and defines the prompt displayed on the Input Values screen. The default prompt is Input value.





Contained within


help tag

The <help> tag appears within an input tag and specifies a help message displayed below the input box on the Input Values screen. If a help tag is not defined, a help message is not displayed.





Contained within


value tag

The <value> tag appears within an input tag and contains the initial value shown in the input box on the Input Values screen. If a value is not specified, the input box will be empty.





Contained within


records tag

The <records> tag is replaced with the number of records to be created.





Contained within


number tag

The <number> tag is replaced with the number of the record being created.





Contained within


report tag

The <report> tag defines the text to be displayed for each record created in the Record Template report file. The text defined should identify the record created uniquely (e.g. Registration Number).





Contained within


column tag

The <column> tag is replaced with the value in the specified column name in the created record.


Specifies the name of the column from which the value is to be extracted. The name attribute is mandatory.



Contained within


Some example Record Templates

Example 1

The Record Template XML for our first example is:

        <atom name="ObjectType">Object</atom>
        <atom name="TitObjectStatus">Accessioned</atom>
        <atom name="TitAccessionDate"><input cols="15">
            <prompt>Enter the Accession Date:</prompt>
            <help>Enter the date on which the works were accepted into the collection.</help>

The template is used to create accessioned object records in the Catalogue module. A suitable title would be Create Accessioned Objects. The following values are set in the records created:

The Input Values screen used to request the accession date looks like:

Example One Input Values Screen

Notice how the input prompt and help use the text specified in the template XML.

Example 2

In this example we set up a Record Template for the Multimedia module that copies the Dublin Core fields and asks the user for the Title, Creator and Description. The input fields do not have to have a value, but are initialised with the value from the source record. The maximum number of records to be created will be set to 10 and a starting IRN cannot be specified. The following Record Template XML is suitable:

<template maxrecords="10" setIRN="no">
        <table name="DetSubject_tab"><source name="DetSubject_tab"/></table>
        <table name="DetContributor_tab"><source name="DetContributor_tab"/></table>
        <table name="DetLanguage_tab"><source name="DetLanguage_tab"/></table>
        <table name="DetRelation_tab"><source name="DetRelation_tab"/></table>
        <table name="DetDate0"><source name="DetDate0"/></table>
        <atom name="DetResourceType"><source name="DetResourceType"/></atom>
        <atom name="DetPublisher"><source name="DetPublisher"/></atom>
        <atom name="DetCoverage"><source name="DetCoverage"/></atom>
        <atom name="DetSource"><source name="DetSource"/></atom>
        <atom name="DetRights"><source name="DetRights"/></atom>
        <atom name="MulTitle"><input cols="30" mandatory="no">
            <prompt>Enter the Media Title:</prompt>
            <help>Enter the title of the media.</help>
            <value><source name="MulTitle"/></value>
        <table name="MulCreator_tab">
                <atom><input cols="30" mandatory="no">
                    <prompt>Enter the Media Creator:</prompt>
                    <help>Enter a description of the media.</help>
                    <value><source name="MulCreator_tab" rows="1"/></value>
        <atom name="MulDescription"><input rows="3" cols="40" mandatory="no">
            <prompt>Enter the Media Description:</prompt>
            <help>Enter a description of the media.</help>
            <value><source name="MulDescription"/></value>

Notice how the first value of the MulCreator_tab table is extracted as the default value for the media creator. The picture below shows the Input Values screen for media description:

Record Template Example Two

Example 3

The following example shows how the increment attribute of the <input> tag can be used to allocate Accession Numbers. The Record Template creates child records linking them to their parent record. Each child record has an Accession Number allocated that consists of the parent's Accession Number followed by a dot and the part number. For example, if the source record's Accession Number is 2007.14 the child numbers will be 2007.14.1, 2007.14.2, etc. The report produced will list the Accession Numbers created. The Record Template XML is:

<template maxrecords="100">
        <atom name="TitObjectStatus"><source name="TitObjectStatus"/></atom>
        <atom name="TitAccessionDate"><source name="TitAccessionDate"/></atom>
        <atom name="TitMainTitle"><source name="TitMainTitle"/></atom>
        <atom name="AccAccessionLotRef"><source name="AccAccessionLotRef"/></atom>
        <atom name="AssParentObjectRef"><source name="irn"/></atom>
        <atom name="TitPartNumber"><number/></atom>
        <atom name="TitNumber of Parts"><records/></atom>
        <atom name="TitAccessionNo"><source name="TitAccessionNo"/>.<number/></atom>
    <report>Accession Number: <column name="TitAccessionNo"/></report>

Notice how the IRN of the source record is placed in the AssParentObjectRef field of the created record, creating the parent/child link. The Record Template report contains:

Template record creation started 26 Jun 2008 11:45:11
Number of records to create: 2
Starting IRN: Next available IRN

Record 1, Accession Number: 2007.14.1 created (irn: 45)
Record 2, Accession Number: 2007.14.2 created (irn: 46)

Number of errors: 0
Number of records created: 2
Template record creation finished 26 Jun 2008 11:45:12